Card Album for 1933 George Miller (R300)

The George C. Miller Co. of Boston issued a 32 card set in 1933 with two players from each club. Collectors who completed the set could redeem the entire set for a prize. The card of Ivy Andrews was short-printed to restrict the number of prizes awarded. Cards that were redeemed were marked either by having a hole punched in them, or by cutting off the bottom portion of the card, making cards in good condition very difficult to find. The back of each card provides a checklist of players and teams. While only four players were listed with St. Louis in this checklist, two others are pictured with St. Louis teams (Goose Goslin and Jim Bottomley).

George Miller (R300) (Set size 24)
Scan not available

Card # 6
Jim Bottomley

Scan not available

Card # 8
Dizzy Dean

Scan not available

Card # 13
Frank Frisch

Scan not available

Card # 15
Goose Goslin

Scan not available

Card # 22
Oscar Melillo

Scan not available

Card # 25
Carl Reynolds