Baseball in St. Louis

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Willie Smith

Born: August 27, 1967
First season: 1994
Last season: 1994
Debut: April,25, 1994
bbrefID: smithwi03
MinorsID: smith-025wil
Goto for Willie Smith
Years with Cardinals (NL): 1 (1994)
Acquired: Signed 2/7/1994 as a free agent from the Texas Rangers.
Departed: Granted free agency 10/5/1994 and signed by the Cleveland Indians on 11/18/1994.

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Major League record for Willie Smith

Batting stats
Year   Team              Pos            Age    G   AB    R    H   2B   3B   HR  RBI   BB    K   SB   CS     AVG    OBP    SLG
1994   StL-N             P               26    8    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   0.000  0.000  0.000
Totals (1 yrs)                                 8    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   -0.00  -0.00  -0.00

Pitching stats
Year   Team              Pos            Age    W    L     ERA    G   GS   CG   SH    S      IP     R   ER    H   HR   BB    K
1994   StL-N             P               26    1    1    9.00    8    0    0    0    0     7.0     7    7    9    4    3    7
Totals (1 yrs)                                 1    1    9.00    8    0    0    0    0     7.0     7    7    9    4    3    7

Minor league stats in Cardinals system
Played in Cardinals minor league system from 1994 to 1994

Pitching stats
Year Team Pos Age W L ERA G GS CG SH S IP R H HR BB K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1994 LOU P 26 2 3 2.31 44 0 0 0 29 46.2 13 25 2 25 54