On my honor, I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

Previous events
June 6, 2009Canoe FloatHuzzah River
July 5-11, 2009Summer CampS-F Scout Ranch
September 19-20, 2009Pre-CamporeeStaley
October 16-18, 2009Fall CamporeeSioux Passage County Park
November 14 and 21, 2009Scouting For Food
December 12, 2009Horseback ridingNagel Base
January 16-17, 20102010 Freeze-OutCuivre River State Park
February 7, 2010Scout SundaySt. Roch
February 20-21, 2010Swift LodgeS-F Scout Ranch

The Grand Towers District Blood Drive collected 28 pints from 32 potential donors. While this was well short of our goal of 100 Pints for 100 Years, we should still be grateful to those who came out and gave blood to help others. And if you didn't give this past weekend, think about donating at a blood bank near you.

Photos from Swift Lodge coming soon!

January 16-17, 2010 @ Cuivre River

The annual Troop 98 Freeze-Out was cold, wet and muddy, which is not quite what was hoped for for the winter event. Still, the scouts backpacked just under 10 miles before setting up camp for the night at the Cuivre River campgrounds.

More information on the 2010 Freeze Out, including photos.