On my honor, I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

The Webelos Cross-Over Weekend is next weekend, May 8 - 9. Scouts planning on attending the CSAW/BSAW program at Beaumont before the troop event should be at Cub World by 9 AM. Otheriwse, the troop event will start at the Laemli Area (almost all the way to the back of Beaumont) at about 2:30 PM.

There are still tickets available for the baseball game on May 1th. Contact the Scoutmaster if you wish to attend.

Registration for ScoutQuest 100 needs to be done before May 15.

The Ice Cream Hike - from Crown Candy to Ted Drews - is May 15th. This hike is for the experienced scouts only.

To ask or answer questions click here.

Upcoming events:
May 8, 2010CSAW/BSAW - CommunicationsBeaumont
May 8, 2010Chapter Meeting/BBQ (OA)*Beaumont
May 8-9, 2010Campout at Beaumont
Webelos cross-over weekend
May 15, 2010Ice Cream HikeSt. Louis
June 4-6, 2010ScoutQuest 100
Centennial Celebration
Forest Park
June 17-19, 2010Cub Scout Day Camp*TBD
July, 18-24, 2009Summer Camp @ Famous EagleS-F Scout Ranch